O u r S t o r y

The idea of acquiring a productive farm, preferably with olive trees, emerged during the economic crisis as a need to create a ‘refuge‘ for our families, friends, and ourselves.

A refuge, where we would produce  organic  products  for  our  own  use,  but  also  where  many  of  us  could  live  together. 

The desire/intention was to sustain ourselves with what the farm produces.

H o w i t a l l s t a r t e d

Σχέδιο χωρίς τίτλο (40)


The plan was ambitious and required a number of hands to establish it and maintain it. So a group of four friends gathered and we embarked on a search with the aim of creating an ecological farm.


We dreamt and searched for an estate within a short distance from Athens, with an ideal climate suitable for a variety of plants. And the dream became a reality in the beautiful Peloponnese.


In the spring of 2012, the first seeds were planted! We fell in love with, adopted, and embraced our dream farm, in the enchanting Amouri Chalazoni, in the Municipality of Trifilia!


We renovated the house, installed solar panels and a wind generator, and acquired equipment that would aid in cultivation (tractor and accessories, nets, olive harvesters) 

1491 RIZES

We spoke to nature, explored it, and counted the roots it had to share with us. 1491 Rizes


In our farm, olives take the spotlight. We nurture our land with love and care, and it rewards us with its bountiful fruits. The majority of our olives are  Koroneiki variety, and they provide us with olive oil, as well as other edible varieties. In 2016, our olive trees were officially certified by DIO (Inspection and Certification Organization of Organic Products) as organic after completing the certification process.



Every day, we are in constant interaction with nature in our earthly paradise. We planted fruit trees among the olive groves to produce our own fruits and to avoid monoculture.

We have orange trees, lemon trees, mandarin trees, kumquats, limes, fig trees, pear trees, mulberry trees, pomegranate trees, quince trees, wild strawberries, as well as aromatic herbs like oregano, mint, parsley, mint, thyme, rosemary, and lavender.

We planted local vine varieties and others that could thrive in the region’s climate. We created a vegetable  garden,  which  now  has  a  sibling  in  another  area  of  the  farm.  And  this  is  only  the the beginning…!


Ηλίας Παπαβασιλείου



Smiling vintner examining grapes in vineyard

Σύλβια Παπαβασιλείου​

O u r Y e a r l y P r o d u c t i o n